Sleep is an indispensable foundation for a healthy life. However, many people still do not know what is the appropriate amount of sleep for the body to recover and regenerate energy effectively. 

In this article, we'll explore the scientific research on the ideal amount of sleep for each age group, as well as the importance of getting enough sleep for your overall health.

Biological clock mechanism of sleep

Scientific research has shown that from 9:00 p.m. is the most suitable time for the body to rest, to have deep and quality sleep about 1 - 2 hours later. Because at this time, the body's organs function more stably, contributing to strengthening the immune system.

Below are the golden time frames for scientific sleep:

  • 21 - 23 o'clock: Golden time to relax
  • This is the period when the body increases the elimination of toxins, you should take advantage of sleep during this time to optimize the recovery process.

  • 23 - 1 hour: Liver "works"
  • The liver begins the detoxification process, eliminating excess substances in the body and making full use of the nutrients consumed during the day. Sleeping soundly during this time will help the liver function more effectively.

  • 1 - 3 hours: Gallbladder and fat digestion
  • The gallbladder works hard to digest bad fats, fats and cholesterol. A deep sleep is necessary to support this process.

  • 3 - 5 hours: The lungs perform the detoxification function
  • Deep sleep makes the lungs more effective at removing toxins from the air we breathe.

  • 5 - 7 hours: Large intestine and digestion
  • This is the ideal time for the digestive system to eliminate waste and residue, thereby minimizing the amount of toxins in the body. Waking up and going to the bathroom at this time will be very good for intestinal health.

  • 7 - 9 o'clock: Small intestine and important breakfast
  • This is the ideal time to eat breakfast, because the small intestine will absorb nutrients most effectively, providing the necessary energy for a long, active day.

    Eating breakfast between 7 and 9 a.m. will help the small intestine absorb all the nutrients and boost energy so that the body is full of vitality all day.

    By adjusting your sleep schedule based on your biological clock, you not only improve your health but also enhance your work performance and quality of life.

    What is a reasonable amount of sleep??

    Many people still believe that sleeping 8 hours a day is ideal. Reality shows that the ideal number of hours of sleep may be different for each age group. Adults will need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. As we age, our need for sleep may decrease to as little as 7 to 8 hours, or even less than that.

    Reputable sleep research organizations have given recommendations on the appropriate amount of sleep for each age as follows:

    • Newborns need up to 20 hours of sleep/day, and the number of hours of sleep will gradually decrease as they get older. By age 6, children need to sleep 10 to 12 hours/day.
    • Teenagers from 14 to 17 years old need 8 to 10 hours of sleep per day.
    • Adults from 18 to 64 years old need to sleep 7 to 9 hours/day.
    • Elderly people over 65 need 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

    Besides, sleep quality is also extremely important. A "good night's sleep" means alertness, clarity and excitement every morning. Feeling healthy and enjoying life is clear proof that you have had quality sleep.

    Sleeping on time is the secret to comprehensive health protection

    Have you ever wondered why sleeping on time is so important? Maintaining a reasonable sleep time every day not only helps you start a new day full of energy, but also brings many unexpected health benefits:

    Restore brain function

    Deep sleep helps the brain recover, enhancing concentration and awareness. Studies have proven that a good night's sleep will "cleanse" excess tired metabolites, helping you process information more quickly the next day.

    Improve immune system

    Quality sleep improves the functioning of T lymphocytes, helping the body fight pathogens such as flu viruses or cancer cells. This shows that getting enough sleep is not only a need but also an effective weapon to protect health.

    Getting enough and correct sleep will help the body stay healthy and effectively prevent diseases

    Cardiovascular protection

    Lack of sleep not only makes you tired but also increases inflammatory substances and stress hormones in the blood, causing cardiovascular problems. Maintaining regular sleep helps you control your weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Against aging

    Do you want to slow down the aging process and look more youthful? Sleeping on time is the best therapy! When you sleep, your body automatically eliminates old cells and produces new cells, helping your skin stay younger and healthier.

    Protect the liver

    The liver works most effectively at night. Not getting enough sleep will reduce this ability, leading to the accumulation of toxins and damage to liver cells. Therefore, establishing a reasonable sleep time not only protects the liver but also enhances overall health.

    Tips to maintain regular sleep habits

    Even though you understand the appropriate sleep time for yourself, is it still difficult to maintain? Don't worry, the following tips will help you easily maintain the habit of getting enough and quality sleep every day:

    • Diet before bed: Go on an empty stomach or just have a light snack before going to bed. Stay away from greasy and spicy foods, because they can cause digestive disorders and make it difficult to sleep.
    • Limit stimulants: Do not use foods containing caffeine or other stimulants in the evening. They will disrupt your natural sleep cycle.
    • Relaxation activities: Reading, listening to soft music, or practicing meditation are relaxing activities that help relax your mind and put you to sleep faster.
    • Ideal sleeping space: Prepare a cool, fragrant and clean sleeping space, which not only helps you sleep easily but also improves sleep quality.
    • Avoid electronic devices: Blue light from screens can inhibit the hormone melatonin, making it harder for you to sleep. Therefore, stop using electronic devices at least 30 minutes before going to bed. 
    Staying away from distractions will help you fall into a deeper and better sleep

    Can't maintain a regular sleep schedule? Exercise is the top solution!

    When life is too busy and the pressure is long, maintaining a regular sleep schedule for many people is not simple. However, an effective solution that you should apply is exercise!

    Regular exercise not only helps improve cardiovascular, muscle and bone health but also helps improve the body's flexibility. This helps reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. When your body is healthy, you not only feel mentally sharp, but you also sleep better.

    After each exercise session, proper nutritional supplementation is extremely important to maximize the body's recovery process. Triple Magnesium Professional Recovery provides 3 essential types of magnesium, especially useful in strengthening the immune system and effectively reducing stress after physical activities.

    Furthermore, Triple Magnesium It also helps strengthen and maintain muscle strength, ensuring you are always in the best condition to continue your workout routine. With the addition Triple Magnesium every day, you'll quickly notice noticeable improvements in your endurance and recovery between workouts.

    Don't miss the chance to boost your workout performance! Contact Pillar Performance now to order!


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