In modern life, pressure from work, study or finances can seriously affect sleep, sometimes just a few small changes in daily habits are enough to bring about improvements. significantly. Let's learn the secrets to improving sleep quality, helping you fall into beautiful dreamy nights quickly.

What is sleep quality?

Sleep quality is different from sleep quantity. If sleep quantity measures how many hours you sleep each night, then sleep quality measures how well you sleep.

The amount of sleep is easy to measure by checking whether you are getting enough sleep (usually 7-9 hours for adults).

Good sleep quality will often have the following signs:

  • You easily fall asleep right after going to bed, within 30 minutes.
  • You sleep through the night, only waking up once at most.
  • You sleep the recommended number of hours for your age.
  • You go back to sleep within 20 minutes if you wake up.
  • You feel rested, restored and energized when you wake up in the morning.
  • A good quality of sleep is when you wake up feeling relaxed and full of vitality

    Improving sleep quality helps you enjoy a new day full of energy and be ready to take on new challenges in life. 

    Why is sleep quality important?

    Sleep is an essential human need, similar to breathing, eating and drinking. Sleep quality depends not only on sleep duration but also on continuity and feeling restored after waking up. 

    Here are the main reasons why you should pay more attention to your sleep quality:

    • Adequate and quality sleep helps the body and mind rest, reduces feelings of fatigue and sleepiness during the day, thereby improving work and study performance.
    • Sleep quality also directly affects overall health. Getting enough sleep strengthens the immune system, supports the development of children and adolescents, and helps adults recover quickly from illness or injury. On the other hand, lack of sleep or poor quality sleep can cause serious problems such as increased risk of stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, irritability, anxiety and depression.
    • When you drive or perform tasks that require high concentration, lack of sleep can lead to serious accidents.
    Lack of sleep makes the body tired, the brain less alert and difficult to concentrate on daily activities

    In short, sleep quality plays an important role in maintaining mental and physical health, while ensuring quality of life and safety for yourself and those around you.

    Factors affecting sleep quality

    Sleep quality can be affected by many factors below:

    • Irregular sleep schedule: The habit of going to bed and waking up at different times each day can disrupt sleep. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule will help improve the quality of your sleep.
    • Unsuitable sleeping environment: The bedroom needs to be quiet, dark and airy. Avoiding blue light from electronic devices such as TVs, computers and phones at least 1 hour before bed will help you fall asleep faster.
    • Consume caffeine and alcohol: Drinking a lot of caffeine or alcohol in the evening makes the brain alert and makes it difficult to fall asleep.
    • Use medicine: Using diuretics may cause you to wake up several times during the night to go to the bathroom. While sleep aids can cause daytime drowsiness and other side effects.
    • Snore: Snoring can disrupt your sleep or that of your sleeping partner. These may be symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, which should be examined and treated quickly.
    • Sleep disorders: Disorders such as insomnia or narcolepsy can reduce sleep quality, leading to difficulty falling asleep and giving you scary dreams.
    • Mental health: Depression and anxiety disorders will make you think and worry more at night, making it harder for your brain to relax and harder to sleep.
    • Diet and lifestyle: Improper diet, lack of exercise, pain or other illnesses can also affect sleep quality.
    Understanding the cause of insomnia will help you find appropriate solutions 

    Magnesium and its connection to human sleep

    Magnesium not only plays an important role in maintaining strong bones but also supports nerve and muscle functions, regulates heart rate and maintains a strong immune system.

    In particular, magnesium is closely linked to human sleep. Magnesium supplementation helps reduce stress and anxiety, thereby supporting quick recovery after exercise. When your body is no longer tired and your mind is relaxed, you will fall asleep faster. Therefore, ensuring an adequate supply of magnesium is extremely important to maintain a healthy body and sustainable energy.

    By usage Triple Magnesium Professional every day - meaning you "load" all 3 important types of magnesium to protect your overall health. Contact PILLAR Performance for more information about the product!


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