How much sleep is best for health?
Sleep is an indispensable foundation for a healthy life. However, many people still do not know what is the appropriate amount of sleep for the body to recover and regenerate...
15 Foods to help you sleep better every night
In today's hustle and bustle of life, good sleep is something not everyone can easily achieve. However, did you know that your daily diet also significantly affects your sleep quality?...
The secret to improving sleep quality is simple, fast and effective
In modern life, pressure from work, study or finances can seriously affect sleep, sometimes just a few small changes in daily habits are enough to bring about improvements. significantly. Let's...
Sleep disorders: Symptoms, Causes and How to improve
Sleep disorders not only reduce quality of life but also lead to many serious health problems. From daytime fatigue, impaired thinking capacity, to mental and physical disorders - the consequences...
17 Golden secrets to help you quickly fall into deep sleep
Sleep plays an essential role in the process of recovery and improving overall health, helping us maintain optimism and be ready for all activities. Quality of sleep directly affects quality...
19 Foods that help you sleep better and deeper
In today's modern life, good sleep has become one of the most important factors affecting our health and spirit. However, work pressure, polluted living environment and unhealthy living habits have...
Why Do You Not Sleep Deeply? The cause and how to fix it
Do you ever wake up feeling like you're not rested at all, like you spent the whole night running a marathon? If so, you may be experiencing a condition deep...
5 Cách Tự Nhiên Chống Mất Ngủ Không Dùng Thuốc Mà Bạn Cần Biết
Trong cuộc sống hối hả ngày nay, mất ngủ dường như đã trở thành một "dịch bệnh" phổ biến, ảnh hưởng đến không ít người trong chúng ta.
Immune vulnerability and excessive physical exertion
Of the twelve biological systems in the human body, one has undoubtedly taken centre stage in recent years – the immune system – and frankly, it’s about time. The elusive...
Immunity protection for athletes
Maintaining a healthy immune system is paramount for any athlete and determines their ability to handle sufficient training and get to the start line in good shape. Whilst it may...
When Should I Be Taking My Micros?
So you’ve done it. You’ve taken steps to start prioritising your micros; improving your recovery, elevating your performance and strengthening your immunity. Now you’ve decided on the what, the next...
Cycling Vitamin C and Zinc for optimum immunity
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for humans and contributes to immune defence by bolstering the function of both the innate and adaptive immune system. It is also a powerful...
Nutrition 101: Macro-nutrition and Micro-nutrition
Macros are the big players in sports nutrition talk. There’s only the three of them – carbs, fat and protein – and you’d be forgiven for thinking that the holy...
Building our Formulation Team
The journey to PILLAR Performance started alongside my professional rugby career. I was amazed by the way Omega 3 fish oil and curcumin allowed me to carve out more years...
Performance nutrition for women with Pip Taylor
Nutrition for women – what do we really know? Most studies are done on men but what impact do hormone fluctuations have on nutrition needs for optimal fuelling and recovery....
Strength for Endurance with Pip Taylor
In many endurance sports there’s a focus on being light, and lean – with the thought this equates to speed and better performance – and there’s an element of truth...
Fuelling needs: Men v Women
Most recommendations given around fuelling and performance don’t differentiate between men and women, or even across different age groups or life stages. This is because when it comes to performance...
Are you under-fuelled? Signs you’re intake isn’t matching your output
If you’re an athlete of any level, training hard, you need to properly fuel whatever goals you’re chasing. It seems obvious and yet often due to a lack of time,...
Nutrition Q&A with Pip Taylor
How can blood tests help nutrition and performance plans?Blood tests are a good way of confirming optimal body function and also screening for potential nutrient deficiencies. A sports dietitian will...
Why ‘bookend’ your day to support peak performance?
For athletes, maximising training is all about…well, maximising training. This means showing up ready to go at the sessions that count and then recovering like a boss to show up...