Do you ever wake up feeling like you're not rested at all, like you spent the whole night running a marathon? If so, you may be experiencing a condition deep sleep.Do not need to worry, you are not the only one facing this problem. This article will help you better understand the causes and ways to improve the situation.

Difficulty Sleeping or Not Sleeping Deeply What is the disease?

Difficulty sleeping or not sleeping well is often referred to as a sleep disorder, which may include insomnia - one of the most common sleep disorders. Insomnia causes patients to have difficulty falling asleep, maintaining sleep, or waking up too early and not being able to fall back asleep, leading to sleep deprivation and negatively affecting the quality of daily life.

Poor sleep will affect the quality of life

Sleep is divided into five cycles, including light sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep cycles. When we don't sleep deeply, our bodies cannot complete these sleep cycles effectively. This can lead to neurological disorders, reduced mobility, slowed reactions, decreased concentration and a lasting feeling of fatigue.

The amount of sleep needed for each person is not always the same and depends on many different factors such as age, health conditions and personal characteristics.According to recommendations from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each age group needs a different amount of sleep to maintain health and vitality:

  • Adults (18 - 64 years old): Usually need about 7 - 9 hours of sleep each night.
  • Teenagers (14 - 17 years old): Encourage 8 - 10 hours of sleep.
  • Children (6 - 13 years old): Need 9 - 11 hours of sleep.
  • Preschoolers (3 - 5 years old): Should sleep about 10 - 13 hours per night.
  • Young children (1 - 2 years old): Should sleep 11 - 14 hours.
  • Newborns (under 1 year old): Need 14 - 17 hours of sleep daily.
  • Elderly people: May only need 5-7 hours of sleep per day.

However, each person needs to listen to their body to determine the amount of sleep needed. If you wake up feeling refreshed and energized, it's a sign that you've gotten enough sleep. On the contrary, if you often feel tired and lack concentration, it may be time to reconsider the amount of sleep and improve the quality of your sleep.

Causes of Poor Sleep

In modern life, sleep problems have become more common and concerning than ever. According to research published by the Institute of Public Health Research in Vietnam, about 63% of adults in Vietnam have sleep-related problems, of which poor sleep accounts for a significant proportion.

Poor sleep not only affects physical health but also negatively impacts people's mental health. Some typical causes that can cause you to fall asleep or wake up include:

  1. Pressure and Stress: A stressful work environment and worries in daily life are the leading reasons why many people cannot sleep deeply. Constant stress increases cortisol, disrupting natural sleep.
  2. Sedentary Lifestyle: Spending a lot of time on activities such as watching TV, using computers and cell phones increases the risk of poor sleep due to lack of exercise.
  3. Unhealthy Diet: Consuming too much caffeine and sugar-rich foods before bed can disrupt natural sleep cycles. At the same time, eating dinner late also increases the possibility of acid reflux, causing discomfort and affecting sleep.
  4. Influence from Technology: The prevalence of electronic devices and blue light from screens reduces melatonin production, which negatively affects sleep.
Stress and anxiety are often the causes of insomnia
  1. Health Issues: Sleep disorders, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, along with conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, can reduce the quality of deep sleep.
  2. Unsuitable Sleep Environment: Less than ideal sleeping environment such asNoise, bright lights, inconsistent temperatures, and uncomfortable beds contribute to poor sleep quality.
  3. Effects of Drugs: Certain medications such as sedatives, antidepressants, and opioid pain relievers can cause restless sleep.

Being aware of these causes not only helps each person better understand their condition but is also an important first step in finding solutions to improve sleep quality, thereby improving quality of life.

Effects of Poor Sleep

Not getting enough sleep not only reduces the quality of daily life, but can also seriously affect overall health. When sleep is not deep enough, the body cannot fully carry out the necessary recovery and regeneration processes, leading to fatigue, mental decline and attention, affecting the ability to work and study. .

On top of that, prolonged poor sleep can cause long-term health problems such as increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even depression. Hormone imbalances caused by insufficient sleep can also lead to weight gain and obesity due to changes in the way our bodies process and store energy.

Lack of sleep increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and blood pressure

In addition, immunity decreases, increasingability infection and prolong recovery from illness. Mental health is also affected when sleep is not deep enough, causing feelings of anxiety, stress and difficulty controlling emotions.

Therefore, ensuring a deep and quality sleep not only helps improve health and mood in the short term but is also an important factor in maintaining long-term health.

How to Fix Poor Sleep

Change Your Lifestyle To Sleep Better

To improve poor sleep, changing your lifestyle is the first and important step. You should review your diet and limit consumptioncaffeine andalcohol, especially in the evening.

Additionally, establishing a regular sleep schedule, trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, will help your body develop a natural sleep cycle, thereby gradually improving the quality of your sleep. sleep. By keeping a regular sleep schedule, you can improve your sleep quality and create good sleep habits.

Also to ensure the best sleep, tryGo to bed around 10pm - 11pm. At this time, the brain begins to produce melatonin - a hormone that helps you feel sleepy and fall asleep easily.

Create an Ideal Environment for Sleep

To improve sleep, keep your bedroom at a cool temperature of approx18-22 degrees Celsius and use breathable mattresses and pillows. Block out light, especially from electronic devices, to stimulate melatonin production and promote sleep.

Plus, you can practice a fewceremony Before bed, reading a book or taking a hot bath helps relax the body and mind. Combined with maintenanceschedule Sleep regularly, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to improve sleep quality, help you easily fall into deep sleep, bring a feeling of relaxation and regenerate energy for the new day.

A comfortable sleeping environment will improve sleep

Relaxation For Deep Sleep

To get deep and quality sleep, creating a relaxing routine before bed is extremely important. Relaxation methods not only help reduce stress after a long day of work but also create favorable conditions for falling asleep.

Here are some methodsadd to your list To help you sleep better:

  • A warm bath not only relaxes the body but is also a great way to prepare for a good night's sleep.
  • Practicing meditation and deep breathing exercises reduces stress and gives you a sense of peace.
  • Listening to instrumental music or natural sounds effectively helps your mind relax and unwind.
  • Writing a daily diary is a good way to relieve stress and organize your thoughts, helping your mind feel more at ease.
  • Prepare a quiet and comfortable sleeping space, use soft bed sheets and make sure your bedroom is always kept airy.

All of the above methods act as a natural therapy to help your body and mind relax, thereby easily falling asleep. However, the important thing is to find a method that works for you and stick to it every night.

The Effects of Technology on Sleep

Using our phone, tablet, or computer right before we go to bed is possiblenot only affects the ability to fall asleepbut also reduces the quality of that sleep.

One of the main causes of this condition is blue light emitted from the screens of devices,capitalcan prevent the production of melatonin, an extremely important hormone in regulating the body's sleep-wake cycle. This inhibition disrupts the natural processby thatOur body prepares to fall asleep.

Using technology before bed will disrupt the body's rhythm

Therefore, to improve sleep quality, it is important to limit exposure to electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed. You can replace this time with relaxing activities that don't involve technology.

Diet and Sleep

Diet plays an important role in improving sleep quality. Adding melatonin-rich foods like cherries, tryptophan found in warm milk, and omega-3s from salmon helps stimulate deep, restful sleep.

To get the most benefit from your diet, incorporate a variety of nutrient-rich foods and avoid heavy foods or caffeine before bed. A balanced diet and proper supplementation will help enhance sleep quality, bringing a feeling of relaxation and refreshment every morning when you wake up.

Effects of Exercise

Regular exercise is not only the key to good health but also the secret to improving sleep quality. When you engage in physical activity, your body produces more serotonin - a hormone that improves mood and aids in falling into deeper sleep. This is because physical activity improves the ability to regulate body temperature and reduce stress, thereby facilitating sleep.

Exercising at a healthy intensity will significantly improve sleep

Besides increasing serotonin, exercise also helps reduce the amount of cortisol in the body - the stress hormone - thereby bringing a feeling of relaxation and reducing anxiety. This makes it easier for your mind to relax and prepare for sleep, while also improving the depth and quality of your sleep.

However, choosing the time to practice is also extremely important. Exercising too close to bedtime can have the opposite effect, causing your body to become overstimulated and making it difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, the ideal time to exercise is in the morning or early afternoon. This not only helps you enjoy the full benefits of exercise, but also helps your body become tired in a healthy way, ready for a good and deep night of sleep.

Improve Exercise and Sleep Performance with PILLAR Performance

In addition to regular exercise to improve sleep quality, micronutrient supplementation is an important factor in optimizing exercise performance and can support deeper sleep. At Pillar Performance, we understand that each physical activity not only requires mental and physical preparation, but also requires internal support through scientific nutrition.

In particular, magnesium - an important micronutrient found in PEFFECTS Performance, known for its ability to help relax muscles and improve sleep quality. Magnesium helps your body recover quickly after each workout session, reducing stress and helping youeasy Fall into deeper and better quality sleep.

Please visit PEFFECTS Performance to explore products micronutrients Our premium nutrition, including magnesium products, help you achieve optimal exercise performance and improve your sleep every night.


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